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Fellowship and Growth for English Speaking MK's in Honduras


July 31 - August 5, 2023

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We are so excited to share with you our mission to connect missionary kids throughout Honduras with each other in order to foster growth, fun, and fellowship.


The MK Camp Honduras staff is a group of missionaries and volunteers dedicated to providing a safe and healthy environment for missionary kids to develop meaningful relationships with each other and to grow in their faith. We strive to show each young person that participates in our camp program that they are a valuable and capable child of God, and that they are not alone in the struggles they are facing.


One of our main goals is to provide opportunities for our campers to form life long friendships with their peers. These friendships with people that truly understand the unique struggles of living between two cultures can help them develop the needed life skills to thrive in an often uncertain world.


MK Camp Honduras was started in 2004 by Lynnell Fields, Jim and Terri Riley, Dr. Jeff and Rosanne Mackenney and Maggie Faull in memory of Todd Fields, Lynnell’s husband who had a passion for serving missionary kids. Todd tragically lost his life before his dream of an MK camp could come true, but his wife and friends took his dream and made it a reality.


Rachel Sowers Reyes grew up going to MK Camp and felt passionate about carrying on the tradition to future generations. She took over the camp and opened it up to missionary kids throughout Honduras in 2014.


In 2018 she handed the camp over to Amber Foster and David Logue, who are the current directors of MK Camp Honduras.


Throughout the years the goal of building up Honduras’s youngest missionaries has remained.


Need Directions?


Download a map to camp!

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